CONGRATULATIONS! You have chosen the first Modern Boeing 727 pannel simalar to the one that is used by UPS 727's NOTICE!! this is only the Beta version to see what bugs if any need to be worked out. i have tested this pannel and there are not any error messages currently. future version may have nav and radio swaping omitted. INSTRUCTIONS: you will notice there are 3 zipfiles and one pannel folder. Take the Pannel folder >AS IS< and install into your Boeing 727 jet of choice. Take the gauges zipfile and unzip into a new folder, select all items and move them into your FS9 gauges Directory. if you are asked to overwrite, Do so. Take the rcbgh-40 zip and unzip into a seperate folder and read its instructions for installation. >>NOTE! Do not worry about placement of the pushback icon or its gauge listing into the pannel. this is already done for you. :) Take the 4THhand zipfile and exstract to a seperate folder and follow the instructions for installation. >>NOTE the gauge listings are already inplace inside the Pannel CFG file. :) the >>cpitcmdr "short for COCKPIT COMMANDER" is a cool usefull gauge to reduce pilot workload and speed up navigation comunication and aircraft managment with auto pilot! follow the instructions to install. >>NOTE! also do not worry about placement of icon and gauge listing in pannel CFG. this too has been done for you. :) OPTIONAL!.. I have installed also the listing for FSNAV buttons if you have FSNAVIGATOR. IF not, you may omit the the listings in the Pannel CFG listing. But ONLY if you are familiar with this task at hand. this pannel will be redered useless if removal of gauge listings are done improperly. if you have any problems with operation or install of pannel Contact me, email to >> PLEASE use this pannel in every possible flight situation and let me know how well or poorly this pannel works out. EULA: BY downloading this software "user" aggrees to accept any and all responsibility incurred,ANY computer problems are my sole resposilibility AND will not sell this at any payware or shareware site. Any software problems related only to the pannel itself and not flightsimulator will be rectified by the author of this pannel to the best of his knowledge.